SponsorshipPackagesRead Full Details About Each Package
Read full details of all of our sponsorship packages on this page. Sponsors can apply and reserve sponsorship spots directly from this page, from their specific portal, or by contacting us directly through this link.
Download our sponsorship packages PDF
Here is what you will receive with our Diamond level sponsorship:
- Main event Sponsor with presence on every page and every category: As a Diamond Sponsor your business will be the Main event sponsor and your business will have a presence in every category and on every talk page of the summit.
- Mobile app Sponsor with presence on every page within the app and opportunity to network directly with event app attendees: As a Diamond Sponsor your business will also be the only summit mobile app Sponsor and you will have a presence on every page within the app and also the the opportunity to network directly with attendees using the event app. The app is available for iOS and Android with a web version.
- First 500 attendees will get free access to the summit mobile app: Your sponsorship will allow access to the first 500 attendees courtesy of your business. More attendees are welcome to upgrade to use the summit app for a one time fee of $10.
- 2 Talks including Keynote with 2 speakers representing your organization: With this level of sponsorship your business can deliver 2 talks, this includes participating in the Keynote (if you choose to) and a talk or your designated speakers can present 2 talks. This is a great way to represent your organization.
- 1 minute video to be played before all talks: With this level of sponsorship, a 1 minute video of your service, message, or product will be played before all talk videos, to give you maximum exposure.
- Lower third sponsorship in each talk: With this level of sponsorship, we will add your lower third under each talk for the first half of the duration of the presentation to showcase your company.
- Mention in all press releases distribution: With this level of sponsorship you will be mentioned as the Main Event Sponsor in all of our press release distribution to over 100 media outlets.
- All pdf booklets/flyers/brochures will be available to flip online to maximize engagement: With this level of sponsorship any of your product/service booklet/flyer/brochure will be available to the attendees to view online in 3D to maximize engagement and exposure.
- Weekly mention on social media: Your sponsorship and sponsor level will be mentioned in our social media on Twitter and Instagram once a week from the day you become our sponsor until the day of the summit.
- One year all access to the entire summit library for 10: This sponsorship level will give you 10 all access passes for one year to the entire summit library.
- Access and mentions in the private Telegram group: We will grant access to your reps to connect in the summit private Telegram Group.
Spots available:
Here is what you will receive with our Platinum level sponsorship:
- Category Sponsor with presence on every page within a category: As a Platinum Sponsor your business will have a presence on every page within a specific category.
- One Talk within your category: With this level of sponsorship you can deliver 1 talk, within your category with 1 speaker to your represent organization.
- Lower third sponsorship in one category: With this level of sponsorship we will add your lower third under each talk, after the main event sponsor, for the second half of the duration of the talks to showcase your company.
- Sponsorship presence on breakout meeting rooms: With this level of sponsorship your business can create meetings and will have a presence in the breakout meeting rooms for networking and meetings.
- Weekly mention on social media: Your sponsorship and sponsor level will be mentioned in our social media on Twitter and Instagram once a week from the day you become our sponsor until the day of the summit.
- One year all access to the entire summit library for 5: This sponsorship level will give you 5 all access passes for one year to the entire summit library.
- Access and mentions in the private Telegram group: We will grant access to your reps to connect in the summit private Telegram Group.
Spots available:
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Here is what you will receive with our Gold level sponsorship:
- Sponsorship logo and link on main site and select talk pages: At this sponsorship level your logo and link will appear on the main site and also in designated talk pages.
- Weekly mention on social media: Your sponsorship and sponsor level will be mentioned in our social media on Twitter and Instagram once a week from the day you become our sponsor until the day of the summit.
- One year all access to the entire summit library for 3: This sponsorship level will give you 3 all access passes for one year to the entire summit library.
Spots available:
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Here is what you will receive with our Silver level sponsorship:
- Logo and link on main site and in some talk pages: At this sponsorship level your logo and link will appear on the main site and also in designated talk pages.
- One year all access to the entire summit library for 1: This sponsorship level will give you 1 all access passes for one year to the entire summit library.
Spots available:
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